Friday, December 7, 2007


So, things seemed to move pretty quickly this morning. The clot on the pump seemed to grow a little overnight and so they replaced the old pump with a new one this morning before I made it to the hospital. All went smoothly with that. They also did a dressing change on her wound site this morning and they feel that things are looking better and with some time should be well. During everything else we continue to wait for our pager to go off. Thank You for all of the extra prayers for our little one and our family.

Thursday, December 6, 2007


I know that everybody wants to see some updated pics of Kaidence. That would be Mike's department. Bug him like crazy. Ryan and everyone at Mike's work this is your mission for tomorrow.

Kaidence has had a good day today. I think that she is getting more teeth because her gums are very swollen. So swollen that one tooth is completely covered by swollen gums. I think that has made her a little uncomfortable. I dressed her in a cute pink dress which had poop all over it within the first hour. They may have to change out the pump to Kaidence's Berlin Heart because of a blood clot. They are afraid that the clot may break off and go to her brain which in turn could cause a stroke. We are hoping that they can get it taken care of fast. They have sent picture's to the team that came out to put in the pump to see what they suggest. We should hear from them soon. I am a little worried that insurance may not cover the new piece for the pump which cost $68,000.00. Ouch....We will do whatever is needed to take care of Kaidence and I would have them change it out this minute if I could. I don't like waiting and taking any chances. Her safety and health comes first no matter what. Other than that things are well. The boys are cute as can be and getting excited for Christmas.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007


First of all, sorry to everyone that is upset at me for not posting in so long. With only one car now I don't have as much time up here at the hospital and this is where I blog from. The last few days have been AWESOME! Kaidence looks like Kaidence should. She is smiling, trying to giggle and not wanting to miss anything, She is so awake and alert. She has been doing physical therapy everyday and things with that are going surprisingly well. Kaidence got a new stroller to make the wagon rides go a little easier. She is loving life while she is waitng for a new heart. I am so very thankful that we had the opportunity to do the Berlin Heart on Kaidence. I have absolutely no doubt in my mind that Kaidence wouldn't be here without it. I think that is why it felt so right and Mike and I had such an overwhelming peace regarding it. We are having more good days than bad days for the time and for that we feel so blessed. Just in case you are wondering, Kaidence wants a new heart for Christmas this year and we would be so grateful for such an amazing gift!

Sunday, December 2, 2007


Well, as with any up must come some downs. Kaidence has been very agitated today. She just did not seem very happy. She started throwing up formula last night. Her NJ feeding tube which is in her intestines to keep her tummy empty was accidentally pulled up to be an NG (allowing the food to go into her tummy). Her stomach has not had food in it since the first of October and could not handle the sudden quantity of food. They moved the tube back down to an NJ and that seemed to fix that problem. Today her heart rate has been very high and they cannot figure out why. They did an EKG and x-ray and did not see anything obvious. Tonight they will do an echo to be sure that her right heart is doing ok. I hope that tomorrow will be better.

Thank You once again for all of your fasting and prayers.