Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Many of you who have followed Kaidence's journey through this blog have also followed another heart buddy named Gracie. Gracie's family has been given some very bad news for her and they have some very tough decisions to make in regards to her health and future. This is a wonderful family and I have no doubt that they will do what is best for their little Gracie.

The tough thing when you are in this situation is that sometimes you have many options and often times you have very little, but regardless a decision has to be made. As parents we have been given that responsibility from our Heavenly Father to see to all the cares and needs of our child. But how do you know what is best? What is right? What is part of your child's earthly plan? We struggled over this with Kaidence. The answer is found through prayer, fasting and the Holy Spirit.

All parents want what is best for their children, but sometimes the knowing and understanding what plan that Heavenly Father has for that child is the tough part. I pray that the Lord will bless this family with the peace and comfort that they need as the spirit guides Gracie's parents and her doctors, I invite you all to join me. I know from experience that your faith, fasting and prayers carried me on days that I could not walk on my own.
Click here to read about Gracie


♥ Michele ♥ said...

Thank you so much for mentioning our sweet Gracie on your blog. We appreciate your concern and support. I'm sure our paths will cross again since we may be joining you in the small group of 'transplant babies'!! Thanks for the well wishes, we really do need all the prayers we can get!

The Ridgway Family said...

I am heart broken for them as we had to make those very difficult decisions for our Eden last July. I do agree that we have to use fasting and pray and I will for sure continue to pray for them as I KNOW that many prayers for Eden and our family are what helped us to get through. It did not end as we hoped,. but it was Heavenly Father's plan.


Anonymous said...

I am so happy for you that things are going well. What a year it has been for you. I hope that Mike can continue to get his masters. I miss seeing all of you.
I logged onto Gracie's site. I hope and pray that things will go better for them. Kaidence is proof that anything is possible. We continue to keep you all in our thoughts and prayers. Love to you all Aunt Deb

Denise said...

Our heart goes out to Gracie's family as they have hard decisions to make. We'll keep Gracie in our prayers.

We can't believe Kaidence will be two years old on Monday, what a blessing it is to be a part of her life.

Our prayers now is that Kaidence will have a desire to eat on her own, we know this too will work out.

Love to all - Nanna and Pappa