Today my sweet little boy Camden turned 4 years old. All he wanted for his Birthday was a pink Bike. So we knew that getting a pink bike was not going to happen for him ... so he got a blue and yellow bike. Super Speedy if you ask me. Camden is such a sweet and loving little guy. He has a very tender heart. He is my little snuggle bug and I love him so very much. He is a wonderful helper and a very protective big brother for his sister and loves to try to mother his little cousin Ryan. Him and McCaden play very well together and are bestest buds, most of the time. Unfortunately he is sick on his birthday today (myself and Kaidence as well) from whatever we got this last weekend at the cabin but he is still as happy as can be because today is finally HIS Birthday. Happy Birthday buddy, we are so proud of you and thankful that Heavenly Father sent you to us!
I am having trouble posting his picture but will get back to it soon!
Danny's Birthday
3 months ago