Happy Easter family and friends......as you know I BELIEVE IN MIRACLES. I KNOW that Heavenly Father has a PLAN for each of us. My heart is full of emotion for these things that I know and have witnessed in our own lives. Kaidence's little heart buddy Mason is getting a NEW HEART for EASTER.
If you remember, Mason is the little boy who's mom I sat and cried with while the doctors at PCMC told her that Mason was not eligible for a new heart and that he had about 3 months to spend with his family. Since then Stanford University has agreed to list Mason for a heart. Summer has been living at Stanford University while Mason was listed for a heart and her hubby and other kiddos have been here in Utah.
Mason should be going in for surgery this afternoon. You can follow his blog HERE. Please pray for the many involved. PLEASE pray for the sweet family that on this Easter day with their broken hearts, turned to another and gave them this gift....of LIFE and HOPE. How appropriate for today.
May your hearts be fuller today and may the love that Heavenly Father has for each of you be known and treasured.
We love you Mason!
Danny's Birthday
3 months ago