The weather is freezing outside and a big winter storm should be rolling in any minute now. Is my yard ready, are the leaves raked, is the tramp down and the playhouse boarded up???? That would be a BIG FAT NOOOOO! Oh well, at least our Christmas is all up and the shopping pretty much all done! I am just going to cozy down for the day.
Things around here are going well. The boys are doing well in school and their teachers had great things to say about them. We have started a new job system that seems to be working so well, we are on week 4 of success. Its amazing how much more time I have when they do their part in the family. It may not be done to perfection, but its not about that. Kaidence is doing awesome at her job of making her bed and picking up her room.
Kaidence is doing great. She loves being back in primary. Her part for the primary program was "Jesus organized the church." Also, she is giving a talk in primary tomorrow (guess I should be working on that and not the blog). Her next cardiology appointment is the first week of December. This week she is having another lovely sleep study. We are hoping that having the vocal chords healed will help with her sleep apnea problems. We are keeping our fingers crossed that she does well and then we could get rid of the O2 concentrator, air compressor and vent heater. Yeah!!!!! I am sure that will have some affect on our power bill. Next month on the 23rd will be Kaidence's 3 year heart birthday. Wow! We have been incredibly blessed over the years.
Carden has not been the happiest camper the last 2 weeks. Such a gassy tummy. That kid is ready for scout camp, he would be a hit with the boys. I have pulled every possible thing out of my diet to try to make this kid happy. Turns out that I think he is starving. He doesn't cry after I get done feeding him, but he just doesn't seem content long. So I am starting to have to supplement with some formula. This will be good because he is no longer on the growth charts. He is weighing in at 7lbs 5 oz at 8 weeks old. So he has gained about 2 lbs since coming home. Hopefully this will help fatten him up. Since supplementing, he is SO much happier. Hopefully this will be a step in the right direction.
On the 14th of November, Carden DeMont was given a name and a blessing by Mike. The name DeMont comes from my grandpa. He is a man of integrity and great faith. My grandpa stood in the circle during the blessing on what happened to be his 94th Birthday. I am so grateful for the many things that my grandpa taught me in life. His incredible Faith and trust in our Father in Heaven stand out the most to me. This example has blessed me in my life and in dealing with my trials.
We hope that everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving. Be grateful for the many little things in life. We are thankful for many of you for the countless hours of service that you have given and for the many prayers that you have given for our little Kaidence. This journey would be totally different without you. We are grateful to our Father in Heaven who knows each one of us. He has carried me in days that I felt I could no longer keep going. He knows my needs, He knows my heartache and He knows my joy. He has a plan for each of us. Sometimes the plan is hard to understand and heartbreaking to watch and endure. However, we each have our own journey and He will provide a way for us to accomplish that journey.
Our hearts are full of gratitude for the family that gave to us, so that our kaidence could continue her journey on this earth. Not a single day goes by that my heart does not break for you, but at the same time my heart is so full of gratitude. I am amazed by what yo have given to us. We are so thankful that you are a part of our lives. You are such an incredible part of Kaidence's journey. Because of you her journey continues. We love you and pray that peace may be given to you always, especially in the coming weeks.
Christmas Cards
3 months ago