Yesterday was Carden's due date, but instead he turned 3 weeks old. How time flies (unless its 3AM). For Carden's 2 week appointment he weighed in at a whopping 6lbs even. The kids love their little brother (Still) and Kaidence continues to assist in all diaper changes. The days and nights thing is slowly sorting itself out. The first night I used the "Snuggle Me" that a friend had given me (Thanks Becky) was our best sleep ever. He sleeps so well in it. We use it now every night. If its dirty, washing it is my first priority for the day. Its awesome! How did I survive 3 other children without it?
Today Kaidence and Mike are spending the day up at PCMC for another IVIG treatment. This time they will infuse her over 12 hours instead of the 5 hours in hopes that it will prevent another reaction like last time. Its hard for me to be on the other end of home.....waiting. However, I don't want to take Carden around all those germs. Kaidence was excited to go as usual. She woke up this morning our conversation went like this:
K: "Mom, I get to go to the hospital today?
Me: "Yes, you get to go today.
K: "Ohhhhh, THANK you mom"
Ok, I thought. I hope she doesn't grow up to be a hypochondriac. By the time she left this morning she had her menu planned for lunch, Chicken Nuggets, baby french fries (AKA hashbrowns) and of course Ketchup.
This Sunday Kaidence gets to go back to primary (the one at church). However, we were told that if anyone has a runny noses to pull her out of class. Ummmmm, at that rate she may never get to go to primary.
So here is our friendly request to our dear friends, neighbors and family. PLEASE, lets us know if you or your kiddos have been sick and will be having contact with Kaidence. That way we can make a decision on wether we need to change our plans and stay home.
If you have spent time with her recently and end up getting sick, let us know as well. We understand that you may feel well one day and sick the next. This is in no way to make someone feel bad, but it helps give us an idea of what it could be if she does end up sick. For a regular kiddo, no biggie. But for Kaidence this will save her multiple blood draws (and tears) as they run labs to figure out what type of illness she has. So think of it as doing Kaidence a favor and Please just give us a heads up.
Also, if you happened to get the FLU MIST and will be in contact with Kaidence please let us know so we can stay away for a couple weeks. We have received a letter from cardiology stating that because the Flu Mist is a LIVE vaccine it could be contagious to Kaidence. Therefore, we are to stay away from those that have received the mist and ask those that will be in contact with her to get the SHOT instead.
Thanks for always being so so good about all of this. We hate asking this of others but we know of the major impact this could have on Kaidence's health and in all honesty her life.
That's about it for this end of things. Hope that everyone is doing well and enjoying to cooler weather and beautiful colors of fall.
Danny's Birthday
3 months ago