Hello everyone just thought I would write a quick update on our little one.
Kaidence McCall Stephenson came into this world after about three hours of labor Friday morning. At 12:17 actually . Though it only took Shauntelle about five to ten minutes pushing with the Doc. By far Shauntelle’s easiest labor but maybe most painful. The epidural did not work very well and only numbed sections of Shauntelle's lower half. So she delivered Semi-Natural, and Kaidence came in weighing 7.9lbs and 22 inches long. Best yet she has a full head of curly brown hair. And since we didn't now what gender we were having the doctor held her up and let Shauntelle tell us all what it was. We were so thrilled that we had a baby girl. We were all tears and it was great. We have had questions of why McCall for the middle name. Shauntelles late Grandmother which she was very close to name is Marjorie Call. As fate would have it Kaidence was born exactly four months on the day of Grandma Call's passing. McCall is in her memory, as she is surly missed and loved.
Kaidence is a little happy and content baby. She doesn't cry and is always happy. A little angel. We are sure blessed with a very sweet and beautiful baby. Though there has been complications due to the low levels of amniotic fluids during her last trimester. She has been diagnosed with Arthrogryposis and hip displacia. To explain our little one is unable to fully extend some of her fingers on her right hand and all of her fingers on her left, except her middle finger. This has also affected both of her little feet as well. She cannot extend her feet much further then parallel with the ground. So no tippy toes. The hip displacia effects her ability of movement of her legs. Arthrogryposis is a rare occurrence effecting 1 in 10,000 babies. At this point it has been diagnosed but not confirmed. We are hoping its just a mild case and we will know more after we are able to get into the specialists. We are waiting to hear from Shriners Hospital and move an appointment up with Primary Children's for hip x-rays. Again we are hoping for the best and we will let you know what happens and what we find out. Thanks for your concern and caring. We are just so blessed with a little girl she has been welcome by our boys and they can't get enough of her. McCaden sat and held her for 15 minutes saying ohh she's so cute, and I have to agree. She is gorgeous. Now I want to make sure everyone knows it doesn't look like anything is physically wrong with our little one. The only way anyone would tell is by trying to move her little fingers or changing her diaper. As you will see in her pictures. And we are not complaining. We are so thrilled to have her and thankful that we have her with everything included. We are now just trying to let everyone know how she is and that we are doing everything we can to unsure she has full mobility. After all we want what's best for our little one. So if you could please include her in your prayers we would appreciate it.
Thank you so very much.
With Love,
Mike & Shauntelle
McCaden, Camden, and now Kaidence.
Danny's Birthday
4 weeks ago
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