Kaidence continues to do great. I received a call from the hospital yesterday letting me know that a blood test that she had, tested positive for Toxoplasmosis. What in the world???? From that test they look at whether she is AGG or AGM. She tested positive for the AGM which means that she "currently" has this parasite active in her system. If this is truly the case, Kaidence should be severely ill right now. This parasite is rare in the US compared to other countries and it wouldn't affect anybody with a healthy immune system severely if at all. Symptoms for a healthy person are usually body aches, fever, sweating swollen lymph glands (possibly for months), If you even have symptoms. This parasite gets in the muscles and for an immunosuppressed person this has been known to infect the heart, liver, brain and eyes. It could put you in a comma, give brain damage, cause blindness, seizures etc. The cardiologist worries because we have now lowered her immune system (because of the rejection) so low that if she really does have this and it is active like the test says she should be very, very sick.
The other weird thing about this is that toxoplasmosis is what they call the "kitty litter box disease." Yep, this is the reason you should never change a litter box when pregnant. But WE DON'T HAVE CATS AND ARE NEVER AROUND THEM!!! It is from cats that eat a mouse/bird that is infected, then the parasite reproduces in the cats stomach and then you can guess the rest. It is only spread from their poop. So for you gardeners out there, they say to wear gloves because the parasite can live in your soil for over a year. One other way of getting this parasite is by eating raw or undercooked meats that had been previously infected and as you all know KAIDENCE'S REFUSES TO EAT ANYTHING unless it is vanilla Pediasure. Anyhow, this is frustrating and a dangerous thing for Kaidence to have with her immune system, if she really does have it. I am trying to keep upbeat but I can feel the weight from worry about the rejection and now this starting to weigh me down a little. I did not sleep well last night because I sat and tried to figure out where she would have picked this up from and how. We have been through a lot and MADE IT through a lot. I am taking her in tomorrow to be retested and I pray that this will be one less thing that we have to worry about. We try so hard to keep her healthy. Please keep her in your prayers. She once again has the doctors baffled.
I should also add that this CANNOT be transmitted human to human.
I am putting her video link on the right sidebar of the blog and will hopefully add her news stories and other article over there as well.....when I get to it.
Danny's Birthday
3 months ago
I have been thinking and praying for you. We love you guys, and are hoping all the best. I think you have one amazing girl with some serious desire to be on this earth with her family! She has laughed at one challenge after another, and doubt she will let kitty litter disease get her down! I can't believe how long her hair has gotten!! She sure is beautiful. Hang in there, or call screaming, I can imagine your diappointment and frustration. We continue to pray for your family.
Oh my heck! Seriously! I am so sorry. Your title is perfect-are you kidding me? We will definatly pray that this does not effect her negatively. I will be calling you later. Love you, Hilary
What the heck? How does that happen? How incredibly random too! WE continue to pray for Kaidence. We pray for Ryker's heart buddies and their families. We miss you guys and loved the video of Kaidnece. I was bawling.
Heart hugs,
P.S. I am not sure about why the WE is all capitalized but just know we are thinking about you!
Oh Shauntelle,
You are so tough, as Mason would say. I am so proud of you guys and I will continue to keep you in my prayers.
Love forever,
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