We are back in the ER this evening. Kaidence has started throwing up again today and not feeling the best. She refuses to eat and has only kept down 3 oz today. She has been sleeping a lot as well. The cardiologist sent us in because her labs from earlier showed that she was getting dehydrated. Her behavior comes in waves of looking very icky and sick to looking OK. This blood infection she has is very serious and they want to stay on top of things. Her doctors said that so many people have invested so much in Kaidence they said that they won't take any chances. They originally thought that Kaidence would be admitted right away, however it sounds like Kaidence may go home after getting some fluids. Mike gave her a blessing before leaving and I am so grateful for that. I think that I was on the verge of having a mental breakdown tonight. The thought of going back and doing this again was very depressing (mostly because I worry about the boys, I know it is hard on them. Also because I hate pawning them off on others,. Mike needs to work so he can keep his job, of course). However, when I do start to feel worn down, tired and frustrated I count my blessing and think of our dearest PICU friends that would give anything to be back in our shoes. It's all about perspective.
Christmas Cards
2 months ago
Shauntelle and Mike, I am so sorry to hear that Kaidence was back in the hospital. I can't imagine how frustrated you are. But you have got the best team of Dr. working on her behalf as well as the Priesthood blessings. She look so good on Wed. I hope and pray that they can get to the bottom of this infection. I am a phone call away if I can help you out. Our love and prayers are sent to you. Love to you all, Aunt Deb
I was looking at another one of my friends blogs today and she had a couple of quotes on it that reminded me of you guys:
"The happiest people don't necessarily have the best of everything; they just make the best of everything they have."
'Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain.'
It reminded me so much of you guys because even though we're human and we have to scream in frustration, when I read your blog it's inspiring how positive and grateful. Kaidence is very lucky to have such great parents. I know it's frustrating especially when the doctors can't give you the answers you need. We are praying every day for all of you. We'll pray extra hard that our little buddy gets over this little hump. Love ya, Paula
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