Early Intervention came out to the house this afternoon and will start working with Kaidence next week. We need to teach her sign language to help with her speech. They said this will help with the fact that she does not talk and will help her start to verbalize things more. They told me that the "Signing Time" DVD's were great to use to help teach Mike and I as well as Kaidence. The problem is that the DVD's are tooooooo expensive for us to buy. Does anyone out there happen to have a few that we can borrow while we learn to sign? If so we would greatly appreciate it. Thanks a bunch!!!
Danny's Birthday
3 months ago
I have seen the dvd's at the library that might be a start until you can borrow some. You can reserve them from any library online and have them sent to you local library. Hope that helps
I too have seen them at the library. Also, the show airs on channel 9 on Mondays (I think at noon) and on Fridays at 4:00. They are the same thing as the DVD's. You can either DVR them or just tape them to a VHS. Good Luck.
---Allison (Ethan, HLHS)
I have six of the DVD's I will send them to you in the morning. They are great. McKartnie loves to watch them and knows quite a few of the signs. Denita
It is so good to see a picture of Kaidence! She looks so good! I can't believe how much she has grown!! She looks so "well." (Probly because I only did see her in the PICU...)
Glad to see her looking so good! (:
This show comes on the UEN channel Monday and Friday afternoon's. Lilly LOVES them and she has learned tons from them.
I have about 25 saved to my Tivo. If I can ever get them transfered to make DVDs, I will make you some copies.
Shauntelle, Corinne has several dvd's that you can use also. And a book. I hope that Kaidences's # are up today. Love thoughts and prayers are with you all. Aunt, Deb
Kaidence is getting to be such a big gir! She is such a doll!
Hey Shantelle! This is Marie from Cardiology front desk...thanks for the ride home on Monday!
My sister is deaf and has taught her kids to sign. So let me ask her about these (if you haven't found any already..). See you next week.
I came across your blog and would love to donate some Signing Time Videos to you and your family. Please contacted me at leeann@signingtime.com
A couple of years ago I donated some Signing Time videos to Primary Children's. You could see if they have them watch while you are at the Hospital. Best Wishes.
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