OK....I am back to blogging....I think! Well, I was once again waiting to post pictures of everything and still will, eventually. Parker is doing well and making improvements daily. He as well as 3 other PICU buddies had a rough day on thursday. Please remember these little ones and their families and doctors in your prayers. They desperately need it this week.
We had cardiology and all still looks well, except Kaidence's weight gain. She has lost some weight as we have been trialing her off of the feeding tube ( that has been wonderful to be without). She is 19lbs13oz (10th percentile). She has always been on the smaller side even before she got sick. We have a month to get her to eat and gain weight or else....the tube makes a comeback. I have need to get 1000 calories/day in a child that won't eat (still figuring that one out). I of course could do this in one meal but they don't seem to worried about me gaining enough. We are boosting her already boosted food but we need her to start taking more of it. Also, we got rid of all her oxygen ....yeah!!!!!!
I also have been trying to de-junk. I don't know how it happened (well I really know...it's called kids) but we have tooooooo much junk and they have too many weird toys. I cleaned out the boys closet and do you really think that I need an MC Hammer TAPE still, I mean seriously? I had a good laugh. Also a few weeks ago my sis helped me clean out my closet. Well, lets just say that I took a step back into Junior High. I don't know what I was thinking but I think I might have an illness and just can't let clothes go and I take whatever someone hands down. I haven't even worn 3/4 of them in years. Maybe it is because I know that I won't buy clothes for myself because it is more important to eat and have a house and sometimes you just have to prioritize and new clothes just isn't at the top of my list. Anyhow, I took 5 BIG black garbage sacks to the DI and yes, all from my tiny closet. I do have a sickness. Angie, you have a shoe problem, I have an outdated clothes problem. So I am getting some much need de-junking done so that my house can continue to hold our family.
We have been busy doing some fun family things that I will blog about with the pictures so that I can catch everyone up (this is after all pretty much my journal). I just wanted to quickly post and say, YES we are still here and all is well. I promise to get those pics up soon....maybe sooner than you think ( I hope)!
Christmas Cards
2 months ago
I've been waiting on a post on how you guys are doing, Glad to hear things are awesome!
We're praying for all the little heart buddies in the PICU. :) They really do need all the help they can get.
Doesnt it feel wonderful to have a life with out Oxygen?!? Not having to pack that around gets you out of the house so much faster.
We'll pray that Kaidence will eat all her food. I tell Mariska that if she doesnt eat I'll have to put the tube back in, haha it seems to work some of the time.
OH good luck with finishing your de-junking. Its funny when you look at something that reminds you of your childhood.
Melynda, Sam, and Mariska Anderson
I don't know if you know me but I am Ethan's mom (HLHS) from the IHH group. He has been struggling with weight gain this last month. I don't know if Kaidence is taking cow's milk yet or not, but if she is you may want to try adding instant breakfast to it. We were given that suggestion with Ethan to boost his calories. We checked it out with our pediatrician and they said to add it to 1 bottle a day. I have to say that Ethan LOVES it and the doctor said it is kind of like the poor man subsitute for pediasure. Anyway, we just buy the cans from Walmart for about $5. So far it seems to help. He gained weight at his last appointment. Anyway, I am glad to hear that Kaidence is doing well. We've been following your story from the beginning. You guys are amazing. Good luck!
We were told with Brinley to use the instant breakfast as well,and the flavored milks. We were always able to stay just above where they wanted us. They always threatened. Rebecca IHH
Hey Shantelle,
I know it's been a while since we last chatted, just know I check up on your blog to see how things are going.
I meet Parker's mom at the IHH picnic and today I left a IHH Care Bag for her.
I will call you in the next couple of days because I have something I need to get to you!
Heart Hugs,
It was so nice to see you in church with your WHOLE family. Kaidence is so cute.
You have been tagged. Please go to by blog and see the rules!!!!
It was good seeing you guys. We will have to set up a play date and we still need to do the girls night out!!
just happened upon your blog. Looks like your little family has had quite the harrowing experience. Your little miracle Kaidence is just beautiful. Your faith and strength is remarkable.
Oh what a feeling to de-junk. I am getting ready for a yard sale. I have wayyyyyyyy to much stuff. I feel that it begins to weigh my life down, so it needs to go. I am glad that Kaidence is still making good progress. And hope that you are surviving the summer. Love Aunt Deb
Hey thanks for calling the other day, sorry i am a slacker friend and haven't called back... I can't believe the great news... Way to go big girlie!!!! I think that our kids are so happy to be hanging out that they never want to crawl... I bet she's got it in her when the bug bites....I took so much for granted with Ry that all his tiny-itty-bitty baby steps are HUGE!!!!! Alex just wants to get together with Kaidence so he can kiss on her yummy face!!!!! Talk to you soon...Brynn, and Gator...(only one of the boy friends Kaidence has, will she even go for younger men?)
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