First of all I want to thank those of you that prayed for Sarah and her family. She has been safely returned.
Well, we have had a crazy week. Kaidence had her "well child" check-up and is gaining weight and is getting back on track with everything else. She is eating better and seems pretty happy to me. Thursday was of course cardiology. Her echo looked great and the issue from the cath lab looks much better, in fact they are now saying it is only "trace-mild" so that is another blessing. All of her other numbers look great. So Thursday and Friday we had appointments with ENT to follow up on the sleep study that I was sure Kaidence passed with flying colors......well, she pretty much flunked it. I thought she had passed because she didn't even snore once that night. Kaidence has SEVERE Obstructive Sleep Apnea. If you have heard her snore you know what I am talking about. A little bummer for us but not a big deal in the big picture (we have be through much worse). Her tonsils and adenoids are small (we were hoping they were big and we could remove them and have everything fixed, but we all know that would be too easy). We have her back on oxygen at night until we can get her set up on CPAP (about 1 month). Apparently a child Kaidence's age should have less then 1 episode (stop breathing) an hour....well, Kaidence averaged 17...yep 17, obviously not good. The doctor says she has a very crowded mouth and hopefully as she grows more room will be made. She may or may not grow out of this. Oh, I hope she does, what a bummer to go to girls camp and have to sleep with CPAP. What a bummer to have to sleep with it period. Anyhow, we have a lot of follow up appointments scheduled and need another swallow study and a bunch of other stuff to get her on CPAP. Hopefully it will be sooner than later because the apnea can cause a lot of problems with her Pulmonary Pressure in her lungs/heart and overwork her heart as well.
Other than that not much else going on. Here's the link to the ABC 4 News story from last night. You can read the article or watch the news story on the right side of the page of this link.
Anybody watch the "Hopkins" hospital story? Yes,I cried.
I have a "catch up" post written to update all of the "this'n that". I just need to download my pics. Hopefully soon. Thank you as always for your concern, support, kind words and love.
Danny's Birthday
3 months ago
I too was bawling. It took me back to Primary's, and what your family went through. I also cried when I watched Kaidence, and how fast she is growing. My heart just went out to that Mom on Hopkin's. That would stink to have to go to girls' camp with CPAP in tote. We will pray she will grow out of it!
Heart hugs,
Emily and Mike
Our family has many, many people using a CPAP. One of my aunts, who is fairly young, put off getting one for too long and suffered blood clots and a severe stroke. It may look horrible and uncomfortalbe and it is embarassing in public sleep situations. But overall it makes you feel so much better when you get the good rest you need! Kaidence will have more energy and feel great once she get's the good sleep she needs!
Erin Oscarson (Jeff and Bev's Granddaughter)
Oh ya I watched it too. Funny thing. . I called my sister after watching it to see if Mike had been by and she told me he had, and I said "great":0). So we talked for a while and then your segment came on the News station. My sister turned on her TV on and we both sat and watched it while the phones were up to our ears. Having her watch that really helped "make it real" for her.
I hope things can be worked out soon for Kaidence to get the CPAP. I have witnessed the difference when people I know have been put on one when they actually can get some sleep. By the time Kaidence is old enough to go to Girls Camp. . .I imagine technology will have come a long way and there will be something better for her if she is still in need.
One day at a time :0)
Heart Hugs,
Thanks for sharing the news link. I really appreciate it. I can't ever wath with out crying. Thanks for keeping us updated. Hope all goes well this next week. Your family is always in my prayers. Love, Aunt Dixie
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