Well Kaidence's infection site is worse than I think we all originally thought. The surgeon and the team came in this afternoon and cleaned out everything. This is not good for Kaidence and she is in a very serious situation according to the surgeon. We knew that infection would be a possibility but that it was also the one thing that would be most dangerous for her.The good thing is that the doctors started her on antibiotics days ago when her WBC started to rise. I think that has slown down the infection so we are hoping that it is not in her blood or traveling up the cannula and into the heart. Her WBC was actually down from this morning as well as her CRP. She is on several heavy duty antibiotics and they will fight the infection with everything that they can. She will have the infection site scrubbed with antibiotics daily. This is very painful for Kaidence so they intibated her again so they can give her heavy sedation for the cleaning everyday. That means she can no longer cry and that I can no longer hold her.
Once again, Please pray for little Kaidence!!!!
Christmas Cards
2 months ago
What a strong little girl. Give it to the Lord and let Him carry you through. We will pray even more for her to pull through this and get her healthy once again. We have so much to be thankful for this Thanksgiving, and having this sweet miracle, makes me thankful for the smallest things. The Lord will carry you through this trial. Remain strong.
We hope that you will all have a great day on Thursday. We Love You All, Lar and Deb
My heart goes out to you and your family. I read your blogs and feel your pain. What hard things you are going through as a mother. I would like to do more to help you. Your boys are welcome to come play at my house anytime. And I'd like to bring a meal next week.
Hang in there, and hang onto the lord.
Darcy Jacobs
The prayers don't stop just because you have good days and moments. You continue to be in our thoughts and prayers. Thank you for giving us so much to be thankful for this week - testimonies, faith, love, friends, hope, joy in the small things.
Love you all! Wendy & Sarah
It seems like it is always two steps forward one step back. I'm sorry for the set back. Kaidence is such a fighter. I know she will get through this.
Andrea Mathis
(Andrew's mom)
Infection, Infection Go away! Don't come back another day! Grrr. I'm so sorry for yet another trial for Kaidence's little body to endure. I hope she isn't in pain. It is so hard to watch your baby suffer like that. I'm so sorry!
Melissa - Intermountain Healing Hearts
You don't know me but I am part of the IHH and I've been following your journey. My son was born with HLHS is May. I am so sorry that you have had this setback. Your family is in our thoughts and prayers. There are many people whose lives you've touched and my "mommy feelings" hurt when I think about what you are going through. You are in good hands.
I'm so proud of little Kaidence for the fighter she is. I KNOW that this is in the Lords hands and road blocks come for a reason. I'm extremely thankful for things this year that I've always taken for granted, like holding a baby. Holding Kaidence last Friday was the most wonderful and emotional thing I've experienced in a long time. The gift of life itself is so precious. I'm so thankful for Family and the Gospel of Jesus Christ which give me the strength to carry on from day to day admist trials.
Thanks to all of you that read the blog and leave comments which gives Shauntelle and Mike the comfort and strength needed.
Thanks to their wonderful Family and ward for all their love and support.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Love - Denise
We're sorry to hear of the infection, we will continue to pray for some comfort this Thanksgiving. Kaidence is a strong little girl and truly a blessing, you guys are great examples to all.
Happy Thanksgiving!!!
Mike, Becky & Brinley Patton
Happy Thanksgiving!
I know that this thanksgiving isn't being celebrated in the traditional way, but I also know it has meant so much more. We are grateful for the miracles that have transpired for Kaidence. We are also proud of the strength that you have all displayed through this trying year. Stay srong, so many people are praying for you guys.
Love Joel, Shand and girls
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