Well, I have got to make it quick today. Kaidence looks great and she has had a good day today. Speech Therapy came in and worked with Kaidence on taking a bottle. She did not want to open her mouth for them because only bad stuff happens lately when she opens her mouth. So we gave her a sucker and let's just say that she loved it and required a bath after the experience. We will continue working on the feeds. She has had a fever off and on and is still on many antibiotics. The boys held her yesterday and she loved it.
Danny's Birthday
3 months ago
Sugar always makes things better even if you are trying to teach her something!! Great job Kaidence!
I agree after all those tubes being in her little mouth all these months. A little treat is well-deserved. Hang in there all of you! -Wend & Sar
Way to go Kaidence. Just wait till she taste chocolate. I hop that the bottle feeding keeps going well for her. We will have another fast for her on Sun. I know that things are all going to work out. It just a matter of the Lords time. And he will provide. Remain strong and remember that Christmas time is the time for giving. She will be the receiver of one of the greatest gifts. We love you all and pray for you daily. Aunt Deb, Uncle larry
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