The last tw0 days have gone very well. Kaidence continues looking great and we are savoring every moment of that. We went on another wagon ride today and Nanna came with. Kaidence loved every second of it unless we stopped. We tried showing her the snow out the window but she cried and just wanted to keep moving. She wanted us to keep walking, She is starting to become a little busy body lately. She is always wanting to see whats going on.
They did her dressing change yesterday and today. Things are looking good and they were able to take off the wound vac. One less thing to haul around on those wagon rides. Here infection site is healing and so we are just waiting for the big moment that our pager goes off. I love how happy and healthy she looks right now and am hoping that a new heart will do the same thing for her so that she can get back to life. I know it won't be "normal" but it will be more of a normal for our family than the hospital life is. I wish you all could see her and appreciate how wonderful she looks.
The boys have had a great time playing in the snow. I stayed home with the boys last night and we had some good time together. They also all slept in my bed last night. Mike ended up on the couch and I ended up at the bottom of the bed, sideways of course. I was kicked in the side all night long and it made me wonder if my boys could really be that tall already. McCaden woke up perky and happy like always and asked, "did you sleep well mom?" I just chuckled to myself. We are going to the ward party tonight and the boys are pretty excited. A special visitor is coming and I am hoping that the Christmas wish list hasn't changed too much.
Danny's Birthday
3 months ago
I am so happy that Kaidence is making progress. It was wonderful to be able to fast for her again today. It has given new meaning to as to what fast Sunday is really for. I bet she looks forward to her wagon rides. And I am so happy that she is doing well.
I'm sure McCaden and Camden had fun at your Christmas party. That should be enough to get them really hyped up for the rest of the month. Like they need any extra help doing that.
Christmas time is the celebration of Christ Birth. I hope that this month will also be a special one for Kaidence to receive a new heart and in a sense a new birth for her as well. I have attached this Scripture study about the life of Christ that you can read about the many other miracles that he performed. Love to you all, Aunt Deb
It’s that time of year and the Christmas Season is upon us. There is so much emphasis with the commercial side of Christmas. We need to reflect on the Birth of Christ and what he has done for the World. This is a scripture study guide that you can read by yourself, or with family and friends. They are Scriptures about the life of Christ and the
many Miracles that he performed. Read one a day and reflect upon its message
Day Event References
1. Christ Visits Temple at age 12 Luke 2: 41-52
2. Baptized of John Matt 3: 13-17
3. Tempted in the Wilderness Matt 4: 1-11
4. Cleanses the Temple John 2: 13-22
5. Visited by Nicodemus John 3 1-21
6. Woman at the well John 4: 3-42
7. Sermon on the Mount Matt 5:1-16
8. Heals man with palsy Mark 2: 1-12
9. Heals on Sabbath Matt 12:9-14
10. Stills the storm Mark 4: 35-41
11. Woman touches garment Luke 8: 45-48
12. Feeds five thousand Matt 14: 14-21
13. Walks on Sea Matt 14: 22-23
14. Forgives adulteress John 8: 1-11
15. Good Samaritan Luke 10: 25-37
16. Visits Martha and Mary Luke 10: 38-42
17. Raises Lazarus John 11: 17-46
18. blesses children Mark 10: 13-16
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