First of all, sorry to everyone that is upset at me for not posting in so long. With only one car now I don't have as much time up here at the hospital and this is where I blog from. The last few days have been AWESOME! Kaidence looks like Kaidence should. She is smiling, trying to giggle and not wanting to miss anything, She is so awake and alert. She has been doing physical therapy everyday and things with that are going surprisingly well. Kaidence got a new stroller to make the wagon rides go a little easier. She is loving life while she is waitng for a new heart. I am so very thankful that we had the opportunity to do the Berlin Heart on Kaidence. I have absolutely no doubt in my mind that Kaidence wouldn't be here without it. I think that is why it felt so right and Mike and I had such an overwhelming peace regarding it. We are having more good days than bad days for the time and for that we feel so blessed. Just in case you are wondering, Kaidence wants a new heart for Christmas this year and we would be so grateful for such an amazing gift!
Danny's Birthday
3 months ago
If wishing will help - we all wish her to get her new heart for Christmas. I am so happy she is doing so well. You sounded so great on the phone yesterday. I would love to come visit, but Sarah has had the flu and I don't want to take ANY chances. So, we just have to go by what we hear. Post some pics if you get a chance of your little Christmas Angel and her brothers. I'm glad you have been able to spend some time with them, too. You are doing so great and I am really proud of you.
Keep Enjoying Life!
I sure hopet hat Kaidence gets her heart for Christmas, or before. I am so happy to hear her doing better, and acting more like herself. I hope things continue to be happy!
Melissa Andrew
Intermountain Healing Hearts
If only the man in the red suit could bring her that gift. But we all know of the other man in a long flowing gown with that beautiful look of peace of his face. Our Savior and Redeemer can make such gifts possible. I am so happy that she is doing so well. I know that her little body is building up strength for the next faze that she will be going through. Your mom showed me a picture of Kaidence and she just looked beautiful. Good color and a very peaceful look on her face. I am so proud of you, Mike,Kaidence, and your boys for the wonderful example that you are to all of us. The Lord knows of your needs and he will provide. I am looking forward to hearing about that special phone call that a heart has come for her. Hang in there and enjoy the beautiful Christmas Season, and feel of Gods love for you. Love Ya, Aunt Deb
I can't tell you all how great Kaidence looks. It's such a blessing to see her getting stronger and healthier. I loved going with her on a wagon ride and seeing the expression in her eyes for they tell so much. Thanks to the wonderful doctors and nurses for their professional service, you have become like family. Thanks to family, friends, co-workers and Ward members for your continued prayers, love and support. Most of all thanks to a loving Heavenly Father that knows us better than anyone else and understands our needs. I too wish Kaidence can receive a new heart for Christmas. What a wonderful gift that would be. I feel this Christmas Season will be like no other and we'll enjoy a special spirit.
Love - Mom
This has got to bring a smile on your face to see your baby enjoying life again. I am glad she is having some good days. It's two steps forward, possibly one step back. . .but not matter what your making progress.
What an amazing gift it would be for her to get a new heart for Christmas.
We love you guys!
Carolyn Q
Intermountain Healing Hearts
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