Well, let's just say that this week has been ummm......CRAZY! Despite all of my efforts to make my baby better she still continues to puke and poop. She is quickly loosing all of the weight that we worked so hard to gain and she is now refusing to eat a t all. She goes in and out of looking ok and then looking terrible. We are being readmitted to the hospital and currently sitting in the ER and Mike is home with the boys. Am I allowed to SCREAM!!!!! I feel stressed with everything in life at the moment and have been really trying hard to get our house cleaned up (currently it is a disaster..seriously). We have been trying to figure out why our house is so dusty and we are not talking your typical dust, it's pretty much black. AS Mike was adding a new vent (because for some reason we have a vent heating and cooling the garage) we learned that apparently all of the ducting has not been sealed and that may be the source. Also when we moved in I found that when the previous owners had the bathroom remodelled that they threw all of the tile grout down the heater duct. Anyhow we have been changing the vents every other week for about a half of a year and let's just say it is always filthy and thick. We are having the ducts and furnace, AC coil cleaned this week with the negative pressure cleaning system and were told that it would be best to have all walls and everything wiped down and cleaned so that when the furnace was cleaned it would not cycle through again. My mom and I spent the day tackling the kitchen and I still have a whole house ahead of me. Keep in mind it was already a mess because Kaidence has been sick for a week. So you can't even walk down the halls and I literally had NO clean clothes to pack for the hospital for myself or Kaidence. I called my sis on the way and she let me borrow some PJ's. However, when I got to the hospital My bag was soaking wet and sticky. I soon learned that my bran new bottle of hairspray didn't have a drop in it so my very few articles of clean clothing are clean no more. Thanks for letting me vent and sorry that it was such a long post. Although we know how blessed we are I think it is normal for us to get frusterated. Yes, this is frustrating. Yes, I hate Kaidence being readmitted. Yes, I hate having her look at me and not understand why I am letting all of these strangers hurt her. It breaks my heart every time. I just have to remember how far we have come and remember that it could always be worse. Thank You for your prayers. Please pray for my little boys that followed their mommy out to the car tonight begging her not to go back to the hospital. Have a Happy Holiday weekend and let's hope that they can figure out what keeps making her so sick! Thanks for all you do.
Danny's Birthday
3 months ago
Seriously I think that there is something weird about this month...EVERYONE I have talked to has said that August has been such a nightmare for them...just one more day and then a new month starts and hopefully will be better for everyone, especially you and Kaidence.
I am so sorry to hear about Kaidence. You can bet she will be in our prayers, along with the whold family. Hang in there,Love, Aunt Dixie
Yes you can screamn as loud as you want. I am so sorry to hear that Kaidence is back in the Hospital. I can't even imagine the frustration you are all going through. I hope that they can get your heating vents fixed and get things filtered out. Our love and prayers are with you all. I am a call away to come and help you. Love to you all Aunt Deb
I have no idea what would be harder as a mom...taking your little one BACK to the hospital or listening to your boys begging you not to leave. Shauntelle, my heart hurts for you and your family - if nothing else, I wash a mean batch of clothes so BRING SOME DOWN!!!
I am sorry that you are back at the hospital. It is a horrible feeling to watch your baby hurt. Maybe we will see you guys tomorrow!
Prayers and hugs,
Please know that I love you and am thinking about you. You can do this. I know that it is more than you can handle sometimes, but that's when we just get on our knees and hand it over to the Savior. I am so sorry that you are back to the same situation right now, but just know that the Lord will take care of you and your family just like he did before. I love you and I will be thinking about you.
Also, you can scream. As loud and as long as you want. YOU are the only one who feels your feelings and what ever they are, they are yours. It is a lesson I have been working hard to learn.
Love you,
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