The heart cath went well. She went in at 7:30 and was out at 10:00. They said that everything went perfect. Primary Children's just got some new types of stents. Today they decided to give it a try for the first time, on Kaidence. I heard that Dr. Gray was pretty excited about it. Anyhow, this new stent is pretty cool. It is lower profile, therefore it doesnt need as much room to maneuver. It comes with the stent already attached and therefore you have less problems with it pulling away and ending up some place you don't want it. The coolest thing about is that normally, years from now after all the expanding they would eventually need to place a bigger stent. To do so they would have to go in and surgically remove the old one and then patch things up. However, with this new stent, it will grow with her into adulthood. Meaning it will never need to be replaced....AWESOME!!!!
I feel that once again the Lord was watching over us and what was best for Kaidence. I was frustrated that we didn't get it over with during her last cath, but it just didnt feel right at the time. I asked Dr Gray is it was a blessing that we didn't do it in November and he said 'most defiantly'. He said that with where the stent was needed and the angle it would have been much more risky of a procedure with the old type of stent. This one just worked perfectly for Kaidence.
We will stay the night and go home in the morning. Thank You for your prayers, we can sure feel them in moments like these.
Danny's Birthday
3 months ago
Very cool news about the new stent! What a tender mercy, though frustrating to have so many delays! Hopefully this will make for less problems and trips back to the lab in the future!
Glad to hear that all went well! I still can't believe how big she is getting! We'll see you again soon!
Congratulations! That is fabulous news!
Oh that is awesome news. I love seeing how the Lord is blessing these sweet little heart kiddos. I love Dr. Gray, I think he's my favorite for the cath lab. We have Dr. Day this Friday, I like him too I guess. How does the new stent grow with her? Can you believe technology!?! It's like Heavenly Father has His hands all over it to bless these kiddos. And the timing here was cool. What a fun story! Oh and thanks for giving your nursery advice. Hope she has a good recovery and you can get some rest tonight.
What a blessing! So happy to read the good news.
Hugs & Prayers,
Jacob's Momma
I have been thinking about you guys all day!!! I am so glad things went well. We don't always know why things happen, but it seemed to be what was best for Kaidence. Get some good rest tonight. Thanks for thinking of Ellie. It's so nice to have this bond with all you heart moms to boost us when we need it. We got to come home because we got our life watch monitor on Friday.
Awesome Shaaun!
Wonderful news!!!
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