They came out and gave another report. Kaidence's chest is open and her ribs apart. They have just placed her on the heart/lung bypass. They have drained the blood from her heart and it now cycles through the machine and then back into her lungs. They are stitching in the first cannula's of the Berlin Heart
Danny's Birthday
4 weeks ago
We love you guys so much. Thanks for the updates- We are praying and praying for you. Ian loves you guys and we know he is watching his favorite little Kaidence buddy. We miss you guys, and we hope all goes well. We will come and see you guys on Monday. Thanks for being a great friend. Justin & I really appreciated our visits with you, and as always, Emily appreciated your oreo closet. Love you tons.
You guys are so tough! I can't walk past the computer today without checking in on you. You are hearing information that is horrifying to any mother to hear what they are doing to your child, we've been there. I have a prayer in my heart for your family today. Kaidence is so amazing and such a fighter. -Kristen Evers
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